How to track
We recommend using our Orders tab in the “My Account” section to find the delivery dates, specific tracking statuses and important delivery details for each ordered item. To find comprehensive tracking information and the ability to change your delivery details, tap/click on the relevant items in the Orders tab.
For orders with multiple items, you may receive the delivery in different shipments with specific delivery dates and tracking details. To find out more, visit this article.
We will also send you notifications (Email & app notifications) throughout the delivery journey.
Tracking Status
You can refer to the following status to understand your order delivery journey:
- Processing - At this point, your items are in the review process. Our team will contact you via call if we need to verify your details. These updates are also available on the Orders tab.
- Confirmed - Your items are being packed and we have committed to delivering them to you on time. You can also check the updates on the Orders tab and we will send you an order confirmation email as well.
- Packed - Your items have been packed into shipments and will be handed over to our delivery partner. Shipment cancellation and reschedule are available on the Orders tab.
- Dispatched - Your items are with our delivery partner. Most items use noon express and we will inform you if your delivery is managed by a third party or the seller. If a third-party partner is used, you can use the TRACK SHIPMENT button to find out more information on your shipment. If noon express is delivering your items, we will always update the Orders tab with this stage.
- Out for delivery - Your shipment has left our final hub/warehouse and is on its way to you. Once we are close to your location, you can call the delivery agent directly. We might require a delivery code for high-value items.
These tracking details are available on the Orders tab. (Not applicable for third-party, seller, locker or pick-up point deliveries.)
We will also send you an email for large items or if your delivery requires a delivery code. Otherwise, we will send you an app notification.
- Pending pick up - For locker and pick-up point deliveries: You have a 5-day window to collect your order starting from the date it was placed into locker/pick-up point. You can find the locker code, Google Maps link and QR code on the Orders tab.